Having spent from five days in the Falklands we began to feel very much attached to place. It seemed only right and appropriate to spend both Chris's birthday, 11th Feb and Valentine’s Day, (a day I now dread) in such a peaceful place. Valentine's Day marks the 2 year anniversary of Chris collapsing and going into hospital, and despite it being 2 years ago I still remember vividly the whole day of seeing him unconscious and connected to the life support machines.
 I like the people, the place and the friendly atmosphere that seems to everywhere.  Being such as small community we would chat to someone in the morning in our hotel and later on that day we would see them in the post office, bank and local supermarket. Everyone appears to know each other, went to school with each other, or are related in some way, and although some say it may be a bit overwhelming at times, they all seem to support each other. While talking about our donor awareness cause and what the money we receive for Kings College Hospital goes towards (global and national research, patient support, Listen Lodge/family support) it seems that the Islanders also have a similar local charity called the Stephen Jaffy Fund which also supports the family members.

The day before departing from Port Stanley, Chris and I talk about our flight back north and on to Ushuaia. Chris has been watching the weather and winds for the last few days and has seemed very edgy, as the winds have not been our favour. I start to get nervous because although I know we will not do anything silly or dangerous I hate to see my comfort blanket (my 747 captain husband) nervous. We establish a new plan to get over our 400nm water crossing to Ushuaia, as the headwinds are so strong that if we go the same way we came we will definitely not make land, run out of fuel and have a nasty surprise in the South Atlantic!!Chris comes up with a plan to get a couple of Jerry cans of fuel, so we have extra fuel and head for the far west part of the Falklands called Weddell Island, here we can top up our tanks, this way we will less of a water crossing by 100nm and full fuel tanks.

The last night in our hotel we begin to feel sad, we have a delicious meal of Patagonian of tooth fish, and say goodbye to the lovely hotel staff, Carl, Jasper, Christine. We even have a visit from Robin Godwin a local amateur photographer who gives us great pictures of our plane and the island, who we met on our first day in FI.
In the morning we say our goodbyes to all our new friends, we feel that we still have not seen enough of this amazing place and vow to come back for more sightseeing, but next time in a faster, bigger plane!!Our friend James drives us to the airport and we see our friend tour guide Tony smith and his daughter Aline waiting to see us off. The local TV station interviews us as we prepare to leave and Robin Godwin also arrives to take a couple of pictures of us as we depart.

With our airplane packed, jerry cans full, we take off into the clear blue windy, sky, heading for Weddell Island; both of us feel very emotional as we leave. Chris does a buzz of the airport and I see I think Andrew waving from the tower, and Robin taking pictures as Chris does a low pass. On to Weddell Island we go, goodbye Port Stanley.

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